Moulding installation

Installation of Hardwood Mouldings
- Store inside of jobsite, off floor to keep dry.
- Run heater or air conditioner to dehumidify job prior to and during moulding installation and finishing. (Remember, concrete slabs and sheetrock mud all add moisture to jobsite.)
- Allow mouldings to acclimate for 3 - 5 days with low heat or air on.
- Adequate blocking is needed to attach crowns to ceilings and wide casing to walls.
- During installation, nail mouldings securely to studs and glue mitered corners. Adhesives can be used where mouldings lie on walls. Miters can receive biscuit-type joinery.
- Central Humidification Systems are highly recommended when extensive millwork is being installed.
Installation of Embellished or Dentil Mouldings
- Follow all instructions above.
- Installation of Door Casings: Cut head casings first so that embossed pattern on side casing will miter into head casing. Center pattern so it miters evenly at both corners.
- Installation of Window Casings: Follow door casings but install a window stool to add beauty and to avoid having to match four embellished mitered corners. (Matching four mitered corners is easy if embossing is delicate in nature.)
- Installation of Crowns, Bases, Chairrails, Etc.: First install any outside corners and work back into inside corners. If a single moulding has two embossings, match the largest embossing first. If a moulding has dentil and embossing, match the dentil first and let the embossing match as well as possible. With Mon Reale and multiple patterns, you may have to make several "adjusting" cuts to find the best pattern match.

Finishing of Hardwood Mouldings & Woodcarvings
- All of White River Hardwoods' Crowns project off the wall at a 38° angle with these exceptions...
- Only CR880 projects off the wall at a 28° angle (See illustration.)
- CO701, CO702, CO70 and CM8854 project off the wall at a 45° angle.
Degree of |
Compound |
Compound |
Miter Box | |
38° |
Miter |
31 1/2° |
31 1/2° |
45° |
38° |
Bevel |
34° |
34° |
28° |
Miter |
25° |
25° |
45° |
28° |
Bevel |
40° |
40° |
45° |
Miter |
35.3° |
35.3° |
45° |
45° |
Bevel |
30° |
30° |
45° |